Born in Inner Mongolia, China, Biyao obtained her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences at Nanjing University, China (2015). After that, she pursued a master’s degree (2017) and a doctoral degree (2022) in Environmental Toxicology at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands. Her PhD project investigated the modulatory effects of trace metals, including Hg (II)…

Sonia is a Spanish wildlife biologist. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Biology with specialization in Zoology in the University of Granada (Spain) and her PhD in Ecology in the Doñana Biological Station (Spanish National Research Council) and the University of Seville (Spain). During her PhD she studied the factors affecting the decline of European…

MSc Biology Birthplace: Shanghai, China. BSc degree in Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. Project: My current research project examines the negative effects of neonicotinoid-treated seeds consumption on farmland birds during the breeding season. This field study will determine the repellency and learned avoidance of treated seeds and effects of neonicotinoid consumption on…

MSc Candidate, Department of Biology Co-supervisor: Dr. Ann McKellar Birthplace: Colombo, Sri Lanka BSc. University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka Project:  Investigation of shorebird foraging ecology in relation to water management regimes on Chaplin Lake, Saskatchewan Thousands of migratory shorebirds use Chaplin Lake as a staging site to rest and refuel, but information is scarce…

MSc. Candidate, Department of Biology Birthplace: Ontario, Canada B.E.S.: University of Waterloo Co-supervisor: Ann McKellar Project: Impact of land-use and climate change on shorebird populations at interior staging sites Shorebirds are experiencing steep population declines due to habitat destruction and climate change. Wetlands and saline lakes in the prairie pothole region (PPR) provide stopover and…

Current Position: Research Associate in the Morrissey Lab MSc: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB BSc: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC I am working on a project looking at the impacts of perennial forage plantings in marginal areas and around wetlands in grain fields in the Prairie Pothole Region. This includes the impacts on soil…

MSc Biology
Factors influencing Tree and barn swallow productivity, postfledging survival and movements in agricultural landscapes

MSc Biology
Project: A comparative investigation of behavioural and physiological consequences of artificial light at night in nocturnal migrants and non-migratory songbirds

MSc Biology
Project: Foraging, Diet, and Land Use Effects on Aerial Insectivore Neonicotinoid Exposure in Saskatchewan Agroecosystems

MSc, currently Species Recovery Biologist Calgary Zoo