Born in Inner Mongolia, China, Biyao obtained her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences at Nanjing University, China (2015). After that, she pursued a master’s degree (2017) and a doctoral degree (2022) in Environmental Toxicology at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands. Her PhD project investigated the modulatory effects of trace metals, including Hg (II) and Pb (II), on the immune responses of waterfowl. During her PhD, she followed a postgraduate education in Toxicology, which enabled her to register as a European Toxicologist. Currently, Biyao works as a postdoc fellow at the University of Saskatchewan. Her project focuses on the effects of insecticides and food quality on juvenile development of tree swallows. The fieldwork will reveal how sublethal exposure to insecticides will impair growth and development (e.g. body mass and morphometric size) of nestlings of tree swallows, and whether these effects can be offset by experimental intake of Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and higher availability of wetlands.