Andrea Wade

MSc Toxicology
Current Position: Aquatic Ecotoxicologist, Golder
Thesis: Role of vegetation buffer zones for mitigating wetland pesticide contamination and response of aquatic invertebrate communities in the prairie wetlands
I grew up in Maryland, just North of Washington DC. I got my Bachelor’s degree at the College of Wooster in Ohio, majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I researched honey bee toxicology for my undergraduate senior thesis at Ohio State University.
After graduating from my BSc, I worked in a soil lab at the University of Idaho running LC-MS analytics on natural plant biopesticides. Now I research the impact of pesticides on wetlands in the prairies and how pesticide contamination can be mitigated with different farming practices. I’m particularly interested in the insects that live in wetlands and how they are affected. My work includes driving around the province, sampling wetlands for water and invertebrates, and lots of time identifying insects under the microscope.